Beginner's Hair Loss

1:52 AM

Making Your Own Herbal Hair Shampoo.

I decided not to use the commercially made shampoos after reading Aubrey Hampton's book, "Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care." In this book Aubrey tells you how to read the label on any product that you put on your skin or hair.

Manufacturers are constantly using toxic chemicals in their skin and hair products and disregard their toxic effects on your body. This is easily seen in the list of chemicals that they use. Here are a few of these chemicals found in many product labels:

  • propylene glycol or glycol- a petrochemical used because it is cheap

  • cetearyl alcohol - emulsifier that can be synthetic or natural

  • methylparaben or propylparaben - typical synthetic preservatives

  • distearate - this is polyethylene glycol or polypropylene glycol which are petrochemicals

  • isopropyl alcohol - used as a cheap solvent to carry synthetic oils.

Here is a natural shampoo that you can make. This formulation is something that I have been using for many years. First collect the following items:

  • 4 oz of castile soap with any scent is that available - plain, peppermint, eucalyptus.

  • 4 oz of rosemary - stimulates the hair follicles and helps to prevent premature baldness

  • 4 oz of sage - has antioxidants and keeps things from spoiling and is antibacterial

  • 4 oz of nettles - acts as a blood purifier, blood stimulator, contains a large source of nutrients for hair growth

  • 4 of lavender - controls the production of sebaceous gland oil and reduces itchy and flaky scalp conditions

2000 mg of MSM - provides organic sulfur to your scalp, which improves the health and strength of your hair. It also helps to drive herbal nutrient into the skin and follicles where they can do the most good.

one empty 8 oz plastic bottle, or any other empty shampoo or soap bottle.

Mix the herbs in a mason jar, which has a lid. Boil 2 cups of distilled water. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of the mixed herbs into the boiling water. Pull the boiling water and herbs off the stove. Let the herb mixture sit for 30 - 40 minutes. Put the 2000mg of MSM into the herb mixture after 30 minutes of cooling. After 40 minutes and the MSM is melted, strain the herbal mixture into a bowl.

Pour 2 to 2 1/2 oz of strained herbal tea into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Now, pour the 4 oz of castile soap into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Cap the bottle and shake to mix the ingredients.

The shampoo is now finished and ready for use. Use this as a base for all of the shampoos you make. You can add different herbs as you learn what these herbs do and how they help your hair. You can vary the ingredients according to your taste. But now you have a shampoo that has no additives that can harm you.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "" and he has written an ebook called "How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies." You can get more information more on hair health at this site.

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1:47 AM

How to Help Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair.

Hair loss and male-pattern baldness is an affliction suffered by thousands of men, and can be a real source of insecurity and embarrassment for those not ready to lose their hair or shave their head. Even worse, and more devastating are the younger cases where the hair loss process begins long before a man even reaches his thirtieth birthday. So what are your options if you are one of these men, uncontrollably losing your hair before your time?

Well, you can do what many others do - shave your head for the sake of uniformity. Lots of men look great with a shaved head - it just fits their personality and style, and they seem comfortable that way. For those unwilling to give up on their hair, there are hairpieces or plugs, neither of which have been perfected to the point of being undetectable, and both having a societal stigma as being somewhat tacky and undesirable.

The other option, of course, is to try one of the hair loss products that several reputable manufacturers now offer, both in prescription and nonprescription form. While there is still no "magic pill" that can unflinchingly promise every man (and woman) who takes it will re-grow their hair, there are some very promising and effective hair loss products and treatments currently on the market and also in development.

Propecia, Rogaine (Monoxadil), Avacor and Proxiphen are just a few of the top prescription and nonprescription hair loss products on the market today, and they've all had varying degrees of success in re-growing their client's hair. Since the demand for hair loss products is so great, there have been many non-prescription hair loss alternatives recently introduced in an effort to offer men (and women) a more economical and convenient alternative to re-grow hair and prevent further hair loss.

There are also several vitamins that have been specially formulated both for thinning hair and to promote the speedy growth of healthy, shiny hair. Vitamins for thinning hair and faster hair growth and re-growth are usually a varying combination of several key amino acids, biotin, vitamins B6 and E, and zinc. Many who take vitamins of this nature do report thicker, more lustrous and healthy hair, but if your goal is to actually re-grow hair and not just thicken thinning hair, then you would probably want to consider a more serious hair loss supplement or treatment that specifically targets balding and hair loss.

Here's a little tip to help stimulate hair growth - massage the scalp. This is an age-old hairstylist tip to help stimulate the hair follicles, unclog any blocked oil glands in the scalp, and help promote a healthy scalp and new, healthy hair growth. Plus, it's relaxing and it feels good, so it's not such a chore!

Hair loss supplements can range from pricey to reasonable, tested and untested, and clinically proven vs. not clinically proven. You have to use good judgment and do a little homework on the internet, or by reading consumer reviews, testimonials and surveys to see what really should work best for your situation. Some even offer money back guarantees or some sort or money back for unused portions.

Now, let's talk about being proactive in preventing future hair loss. Many times, the underlying cause for premature hair loss and male pattern balding is hereditary, but it can also be brought on by a hormonal imbalance of the male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens. Correcting a hormonal imbalance many times can stop hair loss. This example can be seen in women who notice hair loss shortly after they've had a baby. The cause for this is a drop in hormones that kept much more hair on the head than normal during pregnancy because the levels of this hormone are unusually high at this time.

Some medications can also cause or aggravate hair loss. Typically these medications are blood thinners, gout medication, chemotherapy medications for cancer, too much vitamin A, birth control pills and antidepressants. Avoid tight or "pulling" hairstyles like high or tight ponytails and cornrows, and also stay away from harsh chemical treatments such as perms and other potentially volatile, damaging hair treatments.

Typical hair loss treatments, prescription and nonprescription, usually take about six months before you can tell they are working, so patience is a must. There is no overnight fix to hair loss unfortunately. As long as you are comfortable with your chosen hair loss remedy, and have planned a preventative and maintenance course of action, that's really all that matters.

Danna Schneider is the founder and webmaster of , an herbal and nutraceutical product information site for people looking for life improvement products without a prescription and with no side effects. The most effective all natural supplements on the market.

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2:00 AM

Vitamins that May Affect Hair Growth.

Several different vitamin or mineral deficiencies can cause dry hair. To treat dry hair, try taking a multivitamin with 100 percent of the daily value of the essential vitamins. A multivitamin and mineral combination may provide some added coverage for possible deficiencies.

It's been shown that too little biotin and pantothenic acid (both B-complex vitamins) can lead to dry hair. Shampoos and hair treatment products commonly contain pantothenic acid (or pantothenol).

But evidence supporting the benefits of pantothenic acid for dry hair and hair loss is very weak. Also, some people with hair loss do show low blood levels of biotin. While the evidence isn't strong, it may be worth it to try taking supplements of biotin and pantothenic acid for bothersome hair conditions that are not helped by hair treatment products.

Iron and Zinc also affect hair growth. Iron is an important trace mineral that is found in every cell of the body, including hair, usually combined with protein. Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in almost every cell, including our hair.

It stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes, which are substances that promote biochemical reactions in your body. Zinc supports a healthy immune system, is needed for wound healing, helps maintain your sense of taste and smell, and is needed for DNA synthesis.

Eat right and you will glow from head to toe.

About The Author

Nicole Elizabeth Smith, the author of "Healthy Black Hair" (2003), is a freelance health and beauty writer and a graduate of Michigan State University. She and her son Zack live in Michigan. Currently, she is beauty editor for

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2:22 AM

Medical Hair Restoration ? Getting Your Hair Back Permanently.

Balding is something that happens to most men and some women. While many men adapt to the fact that they are losing their hair, others seek remedies and treatments to help prevent the hair loss and even to replacement procedures. Medical hair restoration is one method of obtaining a permanent solution to hairloss. This is suitable for both men and women and produces a very natural looking head of hair. Medical hair restoration is also called hair transplants and if this is something that you are considering, you should contact a specialist in the field.

While there are other medical treatments for thinning hair, such as using Rogaine, medical hair restoration really does have proven results. The advanced techniques used in this treatment do not alter the natural hair growth in any way. You don't have to try to cover your head because medical hair restoration treatment is undetectable. This process of restoring hair on the scalp starts with a consultation. The surgeon has to scrutinize the healthy hair remaining on the back and the sides of your head. He/she has to make sure that you do have enough hair left to have a successful hair restoration procedure. For this reason, people who have already lost most of their hair are not good candidates for this sort of hair loss treatment.

In a consultation for medical hair restoration, when the surgeon determines that you are a good candidate, he/she will take a small sample of tissue containing hair follicles. These are dissected under a microscope and made into hair grafts. Then, the hair grafts are placed on the bald section of the scalp at various angles to create a very natural looking hairline restoration.

If you don't want to become completely bald, you should take steps for medical treatments for thinning hair and even medical hair restoration as soon as you notice that a bald spot is developing on your scalp. This doesn't mean that as soon as you notice that your hair is thinning you have to run out and make arrangements for medical hair restoration. Loss of hair when you are brushing and combing is natural and should not be any cause for alarm. If you are taking other medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, hairloss will also occur, but your hair will grow back when you finish the treatment. When you are not taking any medical treatments and you start you lose your pride and joy, then it's time to start looking for ways to stop the thinning process.

Medical hair restoration can be very successful, so consult your physician about it.

For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Male Hair Loss as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Hair Loss Treatments

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2:06 AM

Painless Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is rapidly growing to be the most popular quick painless hair removal treatment of all time. This is largely because of the immense benefits that the treatment seems to promise to millions of people around the world who are feeling unattractive due to the presence of unwanted body hair. Electrolysis for hair removal is fast becoming a thing of the past even as quick hair removal methods like waxing and tweezing continue to diminish in popularity as long-term or permanent hair removal treatments.

So you are beginning to catch the drift here, that while several marketers may offer a variety of permanent hair removal solutions, few actually make consumer sense in terms of the total benefits that it offers. And this where laser hair removal has stood its ground, offering a miraculous mode of escape from unwanted hair, be it facial hair removal for women, be it back hair removal for men. This space age technology is gaining in popularity primarily because of the marginal utilities it can offer you, be it time or money, speed or accuracy as far as quick painless hair removal treatments go.

The beauty of laser hair removal as a permanent hair removal solution is it applicability over a wide range of body areas and surfaces. You can choose you pick among specialized laser hair treatments for hair removal from your back, cheeks, upper lip, under arms, legs, arms, back, thighs, shoulders, bikini hair removal among a wide range of possibilities. And what's more, not only is this, a quick painless hair removal procedure, but the effect is also long lasting so much so that there is a lobby advocating this treatment as a permanent hair removal solution.

The secret of this form of hair removal treatment is the fact that the lasers with the help of light energy beams thermally agitate the base of your hair follicles and destabilize it without physically ever impacting your skin. And since it's a highly concentrated focused beam, the accuracy and effect are greatly accentuated to the target area of hair removal. In just a few treatments lasting from under 5 minutes to up to a maximum of an hour, you can experience a technology that not only gives you a permanent hair removal solution but one which also promises to effect a quick painless hair removal.

Laser hair removal - benefit from the future today itself!

Visit our articles section at Laser Hair Removal Articles for more such practical tanning advice and tips.

ฉ 2005,Sam Natarajan. This article is courtesy of Laser Hair Removal For You!

You may publish it at no cost, as long as the links are left intact, made live, and this notice stays in place.

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2:06 AM

What?s All The Fuss About Hair Growth Products?

If you are losing your hair and you are afraid that you will go bald, there are many different kinds of hair growth products on the market. When choosing the hair growth products you need, one thing that you should look at it is the product's ability to accelerate hair growth and rejuvenate dead hair follicles. Most men and women like to choose products made of herbs because they don't like using the products that contain chemicals that could cause harmful side effects.

You have to read the information about the hair growth products that are available. Any product that claims to inhibit hair loss is making invalid claims. There are no legitimate products on the market with the ability to do this. One remarkable product is a hair growth pill that you can get without a doctor's prescription, but you should check with the doctor before you take it. Even though many of these pills are herbal, there are still side effects. Women should avoid using this hair growth product because it does cause hair growth all over the body- not just on the head.

If you don't want to visit your doctor for a prescription for a hair loss product, you should check the pharmacy for many generic hair growth products or check online. When you check on line for a listing of these hair growth products you can read about the research and clinical studies that prove they work. You just have to remember that whether you use a shampoo, a topical solution or a hair growth pill that what works for one person may not work for you. Everyone is different and you should search for the causes of the hair loss first.

Some hair growth products are topical treatments rather than a hair growth pill. To use this type of product you have to apply it to the scalp when you wash your hair. You apply it directly to the scalp twice a day. Most users do this in the morning and then before they go to bed each night. You have to be very careful that you don't get it on the skin of any other part of the body and doctors tell you to avoid this hair growth product is you are pregnant or nursing. The active ingredient in this product is the same one used in medications that lower high blood pressure, so it is important to make sure your doctor checks out your medical history before prescribing this hair growth product.

Have you ever heard the saying "Bald is beautiful". If you are experiencing hair loss why not avoid hair growth products and let nature take its course.

Hair growth products do work, but not for everybody.

For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Loss Treatments as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss.

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8:52 PM

A Look at Hair Loss Remedies

Hair loss causes a great deal of stress and anxiety. In society, one of the factors other people judge us by is our looks, which includes our hair. Hair loss, therefore, can have an enormous impact on self-perception, self-esteem, and social life. Although there is no cure for excessive hair loss caused by male or female pattern hair loss, there are a variety of hair loss remedies available for people suffering from hair loss.

One hair loss remedy is simply to learn to live with it. It is, after all, a common, normal process that many go through much like acne. Talking to a counselor may help you cope with any self-esteem issues you may face as the result of hair loss.

Many people that suffer from hair loss find that one good remedy can be found in hair styling and cosmetic techniques. Hair coloring, waves, and haircuts alone can make a big difference in the way you look and feel, making hair loss much less apparent.

Rogaine, the FDA approved topical treatment for female and male pattern hair loss, is a popular hair loss remedy. Though not always effective in promoting new hair growth, if used regularly, Rogaine can be effective in slowing or even stopping hair loss.

Hair attachments are another option in the search for an effective hair loss remedy. Made out of human hair and synthetic fibers, these attachments give the appearance of a fuller head of hair. They are kept on by being anchored to the existing hair, skin, or grafted on through surgical techniques.

Lastly, a hair loss remedy that can be effective but costly is hair transplant or replacement surgery. With improving results and procedures, this surgical procedure takes healthy follicles and distributes them over other areas of the scalp affected by baldness.

Hairloss Info provides detailed information about the cause of male and hair loss, as well as products, treatments, remedies, and more. Hairloss Info is the sister site of Snoring Web.

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7:20 PM

Removing Pubic Hair Methods.

Shaving is the most common removing pubic hair method. However, it is not the only one.

After you have decided you want to remove your pubic hair, you will have to examine the different methods for removing pubic hair and decide which one is the best for you.

The following lines include a brief glance of the existing pubic hair removal methods:

1. Shaving - razor shaving is the most popular removing pubic hair method. One should shave his pubic hair area carefully and gently using a proper razor and shaving cream. Make sure you wash and clean your pubic hair area before and after the shave.

2. Hair removal creams - those can cause lots of pain and allergic reactions. However, they are very effective in removing pubic hair. We suggest you test in on a harmless spot like your back or the inside of your elbow to check for possible allergic reactions. If your skin gets red or itchy for a long period of time (more than 3 hours) do use it. Again, wash you pubic hair area carefully after using this removing pubic hair method.

3. Waxing - We strongly suggest avoiding using wax for removing pubic hair. Most of the women can not stand the pain and the outcome is as good as the other removing pubic hair methods.

4. Electrolysis - A permanent pubic hair removing methods using electric shocks. It can be done in a hair salon or at home after purchasing a personal device. This method is very expensive (It may cost more than a thousand dollars). It also painful in most cases but this method provides a permanent pubic hair removal.

5. Pulling - We got to know in our research quite a few women who prefer pull their pubic hair out. It takes time, Its painful but it involves a satisfaction.

Now you can make the proper decision on the best removing pubic hair method for you. Good luck.

911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best method for removing pubic hair. The results were clear. Find out more on removing pubic hair for no pubic hair. All about hair on stop hair loss and hair loss treatments.

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7:13 PM

Several Tips to Stop Baldness.

Technically known as alopecia, baldness means thinning or loss of hair as a result of illness, functional disorder, or hereditary disposition.

There could be many types of baldness, major among these are patches of baldness getting usually grow back, rapid shedding after childbirth, fever, or sudden weight loss and thinning from tight braids or ponytails. baldness can be found in males and females both, but men are more susceptible to this phenomenon. This has been attributed to male sex hormone called testosterone. Some of the other culprits causing baldness are scalp infection, oiliness or dirtiness of the scalp and hair, and excessive lacquering of hair.

Alopecia areata is yet another cause of hair loss or baldness, this dermatological disease is caused by person's own immunity attacking the hair follicles.

Hair loss is not a quick fire phenomenon. Hair loss or baldness takes a long time, unless otherwise because of chemotherapy. Not every male will experience baldness, but for sure, he will have thin hair over a period of time. Although lot of research has taken place in this area, nothing exact has been found to arrest hair loss or stop balding process. It is estimated that around 100 hairs are lost in a 24-hour cycle. This doesn't mean baldness.

For years wiser people have been discussing effect of diet on baldness. Wholesome silica, calcium & iron rich diet can reduce hair loss or arrest baldness. Studies in the past have shown that silica therapy slowed baldness. Shampoo containing organic silica was found to help prevent baldness, stimulate hair growth and assure beautiful shine, luster and strength. Outer coverings of potatoes, green & red peppers and cucumbers contain silica. Bean sprouts are also high in silica. Eat whole foods including sprouts.

Good intake of vegetables can improve your vitamin C score leading to higher iron absorption. Vitamin E is important for healthy hair growth. Eat avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil on a regular basis. If thyroid dysfunction is the cause of baldness vitamin A and iodine food can help prevent baldness. Eat vegetables such as carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils such as flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Take turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet if there is a deficiency of iodine. Dried fruits, green & leafy vegetables, cherry juice are good sources. Diet should avoid these - cold foods & drinks, sugary foods, fatty foods, animal protein, fruit, especially citrus, tomatoes, tofu, millet, salt and dairy products.

Gastrointestinal tract can be the culprit for female baldness. It could be a sign of insufficient stomach acids; It could also mean a deficiency of protein, zinc and other nutrients. Taking two acidophilus tablets after or between meals (four to six tablets per day) for two months will help. Females are greatly affected due to anemic conditions, leading to accelerated baldness.

Calviz Versone is the owner of BB Baldness which is a premier resource for baldness information. for more information, go to

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7:13 PM

Easy Natural Remedies For Hair Loss.

There is again no sure-fire way to prevent all hair loss; however, there are some methods that have been used that work on some people.

In addition to the dietary improvements and suggestions already offered, there are some naturopathic remedy suggestions.

Massage and aromatherapy have been used with some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to grow.

A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp.

Once the mixture is in the scalp for 20 minutes, wash your hair and scalp with your normal shampoo mixed with three drops of bay essential oil.

Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in mild cases stimulate some hair growth.

Of course, one must be careful to be gentle when massaging and not tug at the hair or use the fingernails when massaging the scalp. If one is concerned about fingernails getting in the way due to extra long fingernails, there are several options.

One is a flat-handed massage, which while not as effective as the finger massage can provide some circulatory benefits and results. There are several electric massagers on the market that have an attachment for scalp massaging as well.

An oriental method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. The fingers should be placed at the center of the skull base and then begin to tap approximately 30 times.

Work your way outward toward the ears continuing to tap gently. After reaching the ears go back to the center of the skull a little higher up and work your way around to the ear region.

Keep going up about eight levels, each time repeating the process...

Discover how to have healthy hair - at any age!

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7:12 PM

Hair Loss: Know The Cause, Know The Cure.

Don't you envy those young men in the streets with full heads of hair? Hair has always been considered a man's crowning glory, while hair loss has been regarded as signs of ageing and unattractiveness.

So, losing hair has always been a problem for many men.

Well, it no longer has to be a problem! If you know your hair problem, you can find out the cure easily. In this article, I hope to present to you the major causes of hair loss, and the things that you should do if you have such a problem.

Of course, you may also want to take a look at my book:

Cause 1: Genetic Balding

This is seen in men and women alike, and this constitutes the majority of cases of hair loss. The most commonly used cure is treatment with 2% topical minoxidil. However, only around 30% of users show noticeable improvement, and stopping the use of the drug might result in loss of the newly grown hair. When 0.05% retinoic acid solution is added however, a higher percentage of users show moticeable improvement. Consult your doctor about using these drugs.

Cause 2: Fungal Infection

Fungal infection often causes patchy hair loss, and red scalp, scaling (dandruff) and pus is often seen. This type of infection can be easily treated with a few months' course of anti-fungal agents, used simultaneously with anti-fungal shampoo.

Cause 3: Major illness/surgery

After you have undergone a major illness or surgery, you might experience this type of hair loss. This type of hair loss can also follow stress or childbirth. However, such hair loss is temporary, and hair will regrow in a matter of months.

Cause 4: Drugs

There are various drugs that can cause hair loss, such as vitamin A, chemotherapy, blood thinners, and thyroid medication. However, hair will also regrow soon after the discontinuation of the drug. Alternative medication can be prescribed by the doctor if this is the cause of hair loss.

In conclusion, hair loss, though distress, is not life threatening. Medication provided by the doctor can solve most of the problems, and in severe cases, a local injection onto the scalp will cause hair to grow back.

Check out for your free and simple weekly guide to trustworthy health information! Subscribe now to receive free gifts with your weekly issue!

Stay fit and healthy now!

For information about hair loss, check this out:

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8:10 PM

Laser Hair Treatment

Laser hair removal is supposed to be a safe process, yet dubious claims and inappropriate equipment still lead to scams and injuries. Consumers themselves must know the ins and outs of laser hair removal to prevent themselves from getting cheated. The following points will aid you in making a proper decision to get yourself ready at the clinic.

1) The sensitivity of your skin. A skin can be too delicate to be damaged instead of getting treated. A technology called CoolGlide can treat all known skin types. Consult a professional to examine and discuss over your skin and infection issues prior to treatment.

2) The degree of discomfort. Do not believe in a "no-pain" process. All treatment are bound to make you uncomfortable. However, it's not anywhere near the whip-lash pain of waxing.

3) The possibility of regrowth. Laser hair removal cannot possibly stop hair growth, though it can reduce growth rate permanently after hair cells are killed. If a practitioner claims to eradicate hair growth completely, you should ask for testimonials and get their proof upfront; it's in their benefit to tell you their achievement.

4) The cost. Depending on the area size treated, it could amount from US$25 to US$250. You may compare the price ranges of several services to get a good gauge. Ask for outstanding reasons that could factor into the overall cost, particular the overheads for their equipment.

5) Aging equipment. Ask for the type of laser used, whether it is effective, how long the practitioners have used the equipment and if there are newer models. You have a right to know.

6) Multiple treatment plans. It's quite likely to return for several treatments within 2 weeks, and then another separate session if necessary within a year to eliminate regrowth, but asking you to come back regularly without the fullest and sincere explanation on your case is simply an indication of ineffectiveness. Beware of such tactics that forces you to pay a lump sum in full. You deserve a good laser treatment as it is.

7) Safety measures. Laser, if abused, can cause damaging effects. Check what precautions are taken, like applying a layer of protective cream over the skin or wearing eye goggles.

8) The practitioner. Who is actually doing the treatment? The experienced doctor or some 'assistant'? Check that the practitioner is trained, qualified and certified to carry out treatments.

9) Ask for a test treatment. This is a simple request which practitioners have no difficulties to fulfill. Cost will still be incurred, but your initial experience with laser hair removal gets you in the know of how a typical treatment works and in tune with the clinical environment.

10) Get written information. Get a written agreement on all obligations, commitment and breakdown of cost from the practitioner to ensure that he stays true to the standard of service provided.

Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find more of these at:

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7:58 PM

Hair Loss Types and Treatments

Doctors distinguish between different types of hair loss. The male pattern hair loss is totally different from Alopecia Areata.

Male pattern hair loss (also known as common baldness, male pattern baldness or permanent pattern baldness) is the most common one for males. In fact, It is inherited. It usually involves baldness on the top of the head and a receding hair line.

On the other hand, Alopecia Areata involves patchy hair loss over the body and the head. It can involve one or more patches and even full body baldness in rare cases. Its causes are still unknown and in most cases hair regrows within first 5 years after the first patch appeared.

There are some treatments for Alopecia Areata but the proper treatment could be decided only after visiting the doctor and undergoing some blood tests.

Some of the treatments used to cure Alopecia Areata are Rogaine (minoxidil), Aloe vera gel, some herb and other natural treatments.

The treatments for male pattern hair loss are much more reliable. There is a variety of natural treatments and chemical treatments which suppose to treat hair loss.

The most recommended treatments are Propecia and Revivogen.

Propecia works on the main cause of hair loss by significantly reducing the amount of DHT. DHT is a a chemical that shrinks the hair follicle until no hair grows. Propecia actually inhibits the formation of DHT in your scalp. Lowering DHT inhibits the further shrinking of affected hair follicles.

Propecia re grows visible hair and reduces further hair loss.In the longest hair loss clinical study where the results were measured by actual hair counts, in average more than 2 out of 3 men on Propecia re grew hair. whereas all man in the study who talk other pills lost hair.

Revivogen Scalp Therapy works by decreasing the levels of DHT in the scalp. This allows the hair follicles to rejuvenate and produce thicker and stronger hair, creating a fuller and healthier head of hair.

The combination of both remedies is the most recommended way of treating hair loss.

911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best hair loss treatments. The results were clear. All about the results and hair loss information on stop hair loss treatments.

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7:45 PM

Hair Transplant Surgery ? Do You Need It, Do You Want It?

Hair transplant surgery is very common these days. As hair loss is such a big problem for so many people, and as hair transplant surgery becomes more and more effective, it is more in demand.

However hair transplant surgery is usually the last in the list of things that you need to consider if you are suffering from hair loss.

For those who are suffering from some degree of hair loss there are some steps you need to take before you consider hair transplant surgery. Hair loss is not necessarily permanent, and the very first thing that you need to do is to consult your doctor and find out a specific cause.

Hair loss can be temporary. For example there are various medical conditions and medical treatments which can cause hair loss and once these conditions have been treated or the treatments stopped the hair recovers. No need for hair transplant surgery there.

And where you have a diagnosed hair loss condition that may well be permanent, such as male pattern baldness, or permanent hereditary hair loss, there can still be some other options to consider.

The first option is to do nothing. Don't laugh. Hair replacement treatments, and particularly hair transplant surgery, can be exceedingly expensive. They can have some side effects and can be unpleasant. Sometimes they don't work, or are unsuitable for your particular condition. Doing nothing about it is a very viable option and one that any proficient professional should counsel you about.

Baldness is becoming fashionable. Perhaps it started with Yul Brinner, who knows, but there are some who deliberately shave their heads as a fashion statement. You don't need to go that far, although you could also consider that, but you certainly could consider living with it.

Work out how much effort and money you are prepared to expend on doing something about it. Hair transplant surgery is very expensive and hair loss is not really considered a disease so government or private medical funds may not cover the cost. Check that out.

Next find out about the pharmaceutical hair replacement products. There are several which do work, although not for everybody. Check them out. Find out more. They also have their drawbacks, but you should educate yourself about all options.

But for many this process still leads them to hair transplant surgery. There is no doubt that if you have hair transplant surgery done by a reputable hair transplant centre it can be very effective.

There are positives and negatives to hair transplant surgery. As previously stated, it can be expensive. It is a long process, over many months, requiring repeated visits, and it is surgery, with the normal, though low, risks attached to any surgery. And it doesn't suit everybody, depending on the nature of your problem.

On the other hand hair transplant surgery, once it is over, is very effective in most cases. You end up growing your own hair and the result is permanent. The final effect, which takes around 12 months, can be extremely effective.

There are various types of hair transplant surgery available at various hair transplant centres. If you have spent some time thinking about your options and have finally come to the conclusion that hair transplant surgery is for you then take the next step.

Visit a reputable hair transplant centre or find one on the internet and find out more about hair transplant surgery. The results can be life transforming.

For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Transplant Surgery as well as Female Hair Loss and more, including Male Hair Loss and Hair Loss Treatments

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