Beginner's Hair Loss: September 2006

6:58 PM

A Look at Male Hair Loss

At a research study held in a university in Norfolk, Virginia, it was found that 84 percent of men suffering from hair loss were preoccupied with the loss. They described feelings of helplessness, vulnerability, and jealousy of men with full, healthy heads of hair. Men who had begun losing their hair in their early twenties were more likely to have problems with low self-esteem.

Male hair loss occurs because of a hormone imbalance. The medical term for male-pattern baldness is Androgenetic Alopecia. This term will help you understand the factors involved in excessive male hair loss. Androgen refers to any of the many hormones that control the appearance and development of masculine traits. An example is testosterone. Genetic refers to heredity, the inheritance of genes from either the mother or father. Alopecia simply means hair loss. So we could say that male hair loss occurs because of male hormones affected by genetic inheritance.

DHT (testosterone and 5-alpha-reductase) is a naturally occurring hormone that helps in sexual development. Genetic switches in certain men after puberty cause changes in hair follicles; specifically androgen receptor sites on the follicles that regulate healthy hair growth. As DHT levels increase as men age, binding at the follicle receptor sites increases. This causes an imbalance in the biological processes of the hair follicles that are more sensitive. Slowly, the follicles begin to degrade as DHT builds up on the site causing hair to grow back thinner and shorter, eventually making it so thin and short that it can't be seen.

Men lose their hair in different ways based on their genetic predisposition. Male hair loss usually involves receding at the temples, loss on the top of the head, and thinning over large areas. These patterns are identified on something called the ""Norwood scale,"" which classifies different types of hair loss.

Hairloss Info provides detailed information about the cause of male and hair loss, as well as products, treatments, remedies, and more. Hairloss Info is the sister site of Snoring Web.

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2:42 AM

DHT and Hair Loss

DHT hair loss affects both men and women.

DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone which is the resulting product of direct contact between the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, found in the skin and the scalp, with the hormone testosterone.

DHT hair loss is caused by the DHT binding to receptor sites on the scalp and hair follicles which interrupts and interacts with the normal chain of events involved in continual healthy hair growth.

To put it another way, DHT hair loss happens when DHT takes over the receptor cell (the cells on the hair follicle that bind to DHT) and sends false signals to the functioning cells responsible for proper hair growth.

Men usually lose hair first in the temporal area, second in the crown, and third, in the vertex or top of the scalp. This is due to the concentration of sweat glands that carry DHT in these areas.

Women on the other hand generally thin in a diffuse manner.

Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years, produce NewHair Biofactors shampoos which stop DHT hair loss within 1 week guaranteed!

The deep cleansing scalp shampoo removes unwanted oils, sweat, dirt and excess sebum as well as neutralizing surface DHT. The stimulating extracts penetrate further into the scalp to neutralize DHT in the scalp thereby creating a healthy scalp environment needed for hair growth.

Click here for more information on NewHair Biofactors:

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2:35 AM

Understanding Why you Hair Loss.

The following old wives tales are very commonly believed, but are at times very illogical andImage011 almost always wrong. A good rule of thumb - if it didn't make you bald when you were 15, it's probably not making you bald now.

Stress? Probably not, unless you've undergone extreme physical or mental torture for months.

Bad Circulation? No. Male pattern baldness is not caused by a lack of circulation or nutrients to the follicle, whether it be by hats, ponytails, or anything else. There are conditions where trauma to the scalp has caused damage, but it wouldn't happen without you knowing it.

Sweat & Dirt? No. Beware of any treatment that claims it is "cleaning" the follicles of excess sebum, dirt, or sweat. Anyone who has ever had an ingrown hair can vouch for the fact that it takes a heck of a lot more than oil to stop a hair from growing through something. You sweat in high school, and you never lost a hair from it.

Hats? No. The high school baseball team was never known to be the baldest team in school. Hat's do not cause hair loss.


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